Favorite Stretch: We like all of the creeks!
Seasons: Year-Round, prime season June through August.
Prime Hatches: Pale Morning Duns in late June.
Challenging fishing in one of the most beautiful valleys in Montana.
The creeks are on private ranches that require rod fees for a day of fishing. The rates vary by season, with summer rates being the highest, and our team can help you out when it comes to sourcing those.
If you’re looking for a selection of fish in a technical piece of water then you should try your hand at some of the trout in these creeks.
If the fishing proves too difficult, there is always the backdrop of the snow-capped Absorokas to enthrall the spirit.
Call us for more information about fishing any or all of these excellent creeks. Our guide team would be happy to talk you through an exciting day of fly fishing.
Armstrong's/O'Hair's Spring Creek
Armstrong's/O'Hair's is a nice mix of long runs and riffles with plenty of fish.
DePuy's Spring Creek
DePuy's has the most variety.
Nelson's Spring Creek
Nelson's is the most challenging.
Outfitter: Michael Donaldson, Montana License #36853 GRG operates under a special use permit with the Custer Gallatin National Forest and is an equal opportunity provider.